Recent content by AndyG

  1. AndyG

    Perfect tire size at 81 mph

    He is dead right- no clue why but like 47 mph is soooo common. Only high speed DW I had was a bad track bar in an f250. Had to change drawers that week.
  2. AndyG

    Random photos: Got anything interesting, unique, strange?

    We have a friend whose son has a “stemming” behavior. He runs in place. Drives me bonkers. The parents ignore it. Little fart sits in church perfectly for 2 hours 3 times a week. My wife is ultra sensible with children- they don’t get anything over on her. I said “honey, how should they...
  3. AndyG

    Random photos: Got anything interesting, unique, strange?

    I’ve been struck by lightning- was very fortunate I didn’t get the full jolt.
  4. AndyG

    Track bar end

    Shine kills the numbers on the tape.
  5. AndyG

    I phone vs Apple stock

    If you bought every iPhone since the first one you would have spent 22,600.00 all in all. Had you bought the same dollar amount of Apple stock at each purchase point, today it would be worth over $200 million dollars. Oh , but if we had only known! Well, we do, and tomorrow more Apple IPhones...
  6. AndyG

    Fixer Upper for 14 Year Old Boy

    I’m with you- the value is it is a cheap way to keep the boy in the garage, teach him the ways of manliness, give him something to work toward, to teach him he can do things. That age -16/17 can be hard on vehicles…in todays world 5K is peanuts for a vehicle. I love the idea. Wish I...
  7. AndyG

    Fixer Upper for 14 Year Old Boy

    For the money, it is about perfect for his age and all that comes with a 14 year old boy. Smack him upside the head, get some tools and go for it. This may be the most important time you and him ever spent together. If he doesn’t listen to you he’s going to listen to his buddies. Talking...
  8. AndyG

    Summer Tops?

    I’ll have whatever he’s having.
  9. AndyG

    Summer Tops?

    I have one of those and it’s a really cool all around set up for the money.
  10. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    I’m posting with one eye closed right now.
  11. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    I can get one 😎
  12. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    Watch the Kevin Federle interview. You will die.
  13. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    Have you ever seen the Weird Al celebrity interviews? They are hysterical He takes real interviews and makes up his own questions.
  14. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    My buddys called me Ange back in the day.
  15. AndyG

    Questions for Shawn at Tom Woods

    Oh boy. Maybe I need to rethink being on here so much. This is gonna hurt.