Recent content by srimes

  1. srimes

    Random photos: Got anything interesting, unique, strange?

    what's it called?
  2. srimes

    Operation Phoenix

    Git it!
  3. srimes

    EV thread

    You can soup them up. You're in Florida now. Act like it.
  4. srimes

    EV thread

    I bet you'd like a nice electric golf cart. No screens, no tech, simple and quiet. Lifted and locked they do pretty well off road, too.
  5. srimes

    Anybody up for a random meme dump?

  6. srimes

    Jeeps Parking Next To Other Jeeps

    2-door XJs are hot
  7. srimes

    Anybody up for a random meme dump?

  8. srimes

    EV thread

    That trailer is really cool and the lowering mechanism is worth a look.
  9. srimes

    EV thread

    Both time and usage impact battery life. # of charge cycles, depth of discharge, final charge level, charge speed and discharge speed all impact battery life. How quickly time degrades the battery depends on charge level.
  10. srimes

    EV thread

    You're right. It's total, not average as I said earlier. "Below we show the cumulative costs for years one through five, years six through 10, and total costs for 10 years."
  11. srimes

    EV thread

    It's reporting average maintenance cost PER YEAR OWNER. So if 1 person spends 10k and the next 99 spend 1k, the average is $1,090. They show by age groups to illustrate how maintenance costs go up with age. It's also interesting that 4/5 of the least expensive to maintain brands are American.
  12. srimes

    EV thread

    >10 years for sure or the cost would be WAY higher. And yeah, those who buy new rarely keep them for more than 10 years.
  13. srimes

    EV thread
  14. srimes

    Piss & Moan Table

    $233 for a small grocery trip. I hated grocery shopping enough back when it was cheap.
  15. srimes

    TJs in beautiful places

    Play on playa