Painting fender flares


Apr 2, 2024
Denver Colorado
Has anyone ever painted their fender flares? Just wondering if it’s feasible to do it and not have it look like crap. If you did, does it last? Same question for those vinyl bumper ends.
So I'm actually going to do this in the next week or so. I've painted plenty of plastic car pieces in the past. Take your time with the prep work, lay light even coats of primer, then light layers of paint and clear coat if you want. If done right it'll look good. If you want it to last "longer" apply lots of coats. I've found that 6+ good coats of paint and about 4+ coats of clear yield's a good product and for the most part will last quiet sometime to regular road grim/debris with little to no chipping of the paint.
Krylon Fusion here. The only prep needed was to clean them good with rubbing alcohol. I bought some thin sheets of colored cardboard at the Dollar store and slid it behind them so I wouldn't have to remove them. Use satin if you don't want them shiny.
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