EV thread

Soooooo, back to EVs.
Let's say somebody was gonna GIVE YOU ONE, it has to be used and under $30K-
It can be any EV under $30K buthas to be 100% electric and you're required to use it for all trips under 100 miles for the next year.
What would you get? Bonus points for why.

Can you get a used Tesla Plaid for under $30k?

Cause it’s fast.
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Soooooo, back to EVs.
Let's say somebody was gonna GIVE YOU ONE, it has to be used and under $30K-
It can be any EV under $30K buthas to be 100% electric and you're required to use it for all trips under 100 miles for the next year.
What would you get? Bonus points for why.

I considered a plug-in hybrid when I was buying new a few years ago. For the amount I drove, it wasn't worth the extra 10-15k over a vehicle that already got upper 30s MPG.

I am not sitting for an hour+ to charge, I am much too impatient. And needing a different vehicle for longer trips kinda defeats the purpose of buying a newer efficient car.

Idk if I'd take it if I couldn't resale it honestly
Lol. Ok boomer.
Note, nowhere in my 'diatribe' did I say any of the tech should replace good driving habits. Just that a lot of it makes things easier, safer and more comfortable.
Much of it is additive to safety. I still hate that many/most will let it replace good habits and skill.
I am 100% in agreement that we make driving too easy to the masses AND we allow tech to make up for skill. We really should have a graduated license structure similar to Germany's.
I'm also not gonna PAY for most of that stuff for myself because it's not worth it to me.
Only thing I really take issue with is someone trying to keep me from getting all the bells n whistles on my wife or kid's cars AFTER I teach em to drive in a '70 F100 with a 3 on the tree and absolutely no bells or whistles.
Have a good day brother, I think we're in violent agreement here.

Ok renter.

The thing I take issue with is the mirror image of you. I don't give a damn what you, or Joe Smoe have on their cars, but when I can't buy a basic car in this effete, luxury loving country we live in with CarCos and the Socialist-Liberal cradle to grave Nanny State (tm) forcing this expensive *BULLSHIT* down my throat, I get a bit annoyed. "Womb to Tomb!"

I want A/C, I want cruise control. That's pretty much it. Most vehicles don't even need power steering or brakes, although they're nice to have on larger trucks - however, I know how to drive one without and would probably opt out of both in a smaller vehicle. Power windows and door locks are stupid, and I utterly DETEST power seats (My old MBZ has them).

But I get off the bus when all the computerized *BULLSHIT* is added. Like you, I'm not paying for it - I'll keep my old junk running. The horrid touch screen *BULLSHIT* brought to us by *BULLSHIT* smartphones - its all about the PHOOOOOONNE. I'm fucking sick of it. Anything called a driver "assist". First they raised the beltlines to the point of not being able to see out of the things, then the fucking Gov't mandates backup cameras (and thus screens) because nobody knows how to back up with mirrors, won't turn their head, won't open the door, etc, etc. Throw expensive and unreliable "technology" at a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Oh, and my wife's car is in the shop right now because the telematics unit is Tango Uniform. More computerized crap - thank Goddess I bought an extended warranty on the damn thing. What's "telematics"? Why, that's the thing that connects a PHOOOOOONNE to the car. Gotta get it fixed, the failure mode is known to drain the battery. That's just great...

I could rant all day, all night, and through the next day on this subject, but I have to go outside and flip off the sun and chase some kids off my lawn! ;)
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Soooooo, back to EVs.
Let's say somebody was gonna GIVE YOU ONE, it has to be used and under $30K-
It can be any EV under $30K buthas to be 100% electric and you're required to use it for all trips under 100 miles for the next year.
What would you get? Bonus points for why.

Shooting from the hip, probably a Nissan Leaf - although I'd do my research and find the one with the least amount of crap technology on it, the lowest ownership cost and the best reliability. Which isn't a Tesla.
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I don't give a damn what you, or Joe Smoe have on their cars, but when I can't buy a basic car in this effete, luxury loving country we live in with CarCos and the Socialist-Liberal cradle to grave Nanny State (tm) forcing this expensive *BULLSHIT* down my throat, I get a bit annoyed. "Womb to Tomb!"

I want A/C, I want cruise control. That's pretty much it.
Same, the inability to find a minimally equipped var is irritating AF to me.
I do want Bluetooth to my radio so I can stream MY music without commercials.
Wife and I don't share finances, so she can buy whatever she wants. I don't even know what her new Grand Cherokee cost or what the payment is.
Kids get what I choose because they remain MY cars until they graduate and fly the coop. But I do want to get them safe, decent, reliable cars and they all leave the house with a vehicle that should last them 10 years if they take halfway decent care of them

I'm still interested in an electric for my next commuter beater.
The jeep is fine, but I do want to transition it to more of a play thing.
Long trips are almost all in wife's vehicle, by plane, or in a rental.
I do want Bluetooth to my radio so I can stream MY music without commercials.

Which makes zero sense to me. I just use Geek Sticks, although CDs would be OK as well. No expensive data plan needed, nor do I need to run my phone's battery down listening to music. My flip has that capability, I've never used it.

With that said, I don't necessarily even need a radio. They're nice, they're OK, I even listen to them on occasion - but I've owned cars without, and didn't really miss it.
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You know better. :sneaky:

Again, you know better. We'd have to be face to face for that to happen....and I've got too much to lose for things getting that kind of ugly over your burning need for an automatic ass wiper on you chosen chariot anyway. Takes quite a bit more to elicit violence on my end.

Ha! I think you misunderstood me. That's a term us boomers use to say, we agree on most things and are arguing about nits past the point of reason.
No actual violence intended or implied.
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Ha! I think you misunderstood me.

You do realize that's a term used in a derogatory manor by many younger folks towards anyone older than them, don't you?

That's a term us boomers use to say

But you're 54...you aren't a boomer, at least not based on date of birth (unless your profile age isn't correct, in which case...). ;)

we agree on most things and are arguing about nits past the point of reason.

While I honestly don't care what they put on cars, or what you want on your particular vehicles, what I don't like is the fact that many of these "features" seem to do more in isolating and distracting the driver from the job at hand rather than being genuinely necessary or helpful. I also don't like the fact that you can't purchase a new vehicle without all the extra shit. It jacks up the purchase price, it's expensive when it goes wrong (and it often does) and most of it is unnecessary. I have no issues with technology, more so how it is used/abused.

No actual violence intended or implied.

Given the impossibility, I assumed so, just being clear. :)
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Shooting from the hip, probably a Nissan Leaf - although I'd do my research and find the one with the least amount of crap technology on it, the lowest ownership cost and the best reliability. Which isn't a Tesla.

I bet you'd like a nice electric golf cart. No screens, no tech, simple and quiet. Lifted and locked they do pretty well off road, too.
I bet you'd like a nice electric golf cart. No screens, no tech, simple and quiet. Lifted and locked they do pretty well off road, too.

Don't be stupid. Can't drive it on the freeway, range is too limited even for me, and its an open air vehicle.
Musk angering more people, gotta hand it to the guy, he pisses off a very broad spectrum of humanity with his battery powered sleds

how dare you Elon.jpg
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