Car pics too cool not to share


Master Thread Derailer
Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2017
Everett, Wash, United States
Worst traffic jam, ever...

I think I found the cause of your overheating problem...

Ran when parked...

Waiting for the wife to finish shopping...


In keeping with the theme of trees growing out of cars, this is my B-I-L, "drinking and driving" somewhere in Da U.P. Its a mid 30's Plymouth coupe. Most of it is still there, the rear quarters are on the ground. We took the VIN plate for my B-I-L's collection.

Its CRAZY how good the chrome still is...

In keeping with the theme of trees growing out of cars, this is my B-I-L, "drinking and driving" somewhere in Da U.P. Its a mid 30's Plymouth coupe. Most of it is still there, the rear quarters are on the ground. We took the VIN plate for my B-I-L's collection.

Its CRAZY how good the chrome still is...

View attachment 305259
Hey, Mike. Actually, that's a '49 Plymouth clip. Because, you know...useless information matters...;)
Chernobyl is in Ukraine, guys :ROFLMAO:

though thinking Russia could be forgiven ignoring the geographical standpoint, since at the time it was within the USSR.
Edited to reflect the true condition, LOL

I have all kinds of mistakes in this thread...Gonna go hide under a rock now.
In keeping with the theme of trees growing out of cars, this is my B-I-L, "drinking and driving" somewhere in Da U.P. Its a mid 30's Plymouth coupe. Most of it is still there, the rear quarters are on the ground. We took the VIN plate for my B-I-L's collection.

Its CRAZY how good the chrome still is...

View attachment 305259
Back in the good old days, they actually used good steel to build vehicles, not the paper thin chinese steel of today.
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For some reason when I come across pictures of cars with green stuff growing on them I end up spending too much time on the internet looking at more.

Keeping with the tree theme here's a picture I took in 2009. I didn't even notice the tree growing behind the radiator until I downloaded from my camera to my computer. As a slight challenge, what has been modified?

An even bigger challenge would be how long was it sitting there? The answer, I'll never know because I can only narrow down the location to about 50 sq miles and 12.5 yrs is a long time ago.
In keeping with the theme of trees growing out of cars, this is my B-I-L, "drinking and driving" somewhere in Da U.P. Its a mid 30's Plymouth coupe. Most of it is still there, the rear quarters are on the ground. We took the VIN plate for my B-I-L's collection.

Its CRAZY how good the chrome still is...

View attachment 305259
I meant to mention a couple of things, @Mike_H. That grill is stainless, hence the lack of rust. As for that front bumper, those are rather desirable with the custom/lead sled crowd. I've seen them used many, many times on all manner of customs through the years. If it's still available to you, it'd be worth the effort to liberate it. ;)
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If it's still available to you, it'd be worth the effort to liberate it. ;)

I took that picture while randomly driving around at some point when I was laid off on MLK day 2009 until I got kinda lucky after Labor Day 2010. Unfortunately I didn't stop to ask about it and it was so far from where I live that I don't think I have enough time to find it again before I die if it's even still there.

EDIT: I just realized that first reply wasn't to me. My answer still stands.

She used to be a 2-door sedan. ;)

I knew you'd have an answer even though I don't think GM was at the top of your car experience list. You posted the "wink" so do you have any further details? GM's not really at the top of my car list either but being without work back then I spent too much time online and I did my best to narrow down what it was. I came up with two possibilities, one of which had the word "sedan" as part of it's name. I know my picture isn't the greatest but it was the clearest of the bunch taken from about 100 yards away so I saved it. I wish it was crystal clear and that I had a picture of it from the rear.