Earthquake Impact Gun

Boy I tell you what …..I’ve got an IR impact gun with 1250 lbs. of torque and a harbor freight special earthquake with 800 lbs. of torque and that earthquake puts it to shame……I got a u-joint cap cockeyed and had to push it back out and the IR wouldn’t do it but the earthquake would…who would’ve thunk?

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I picked up the stubby version 4 years ago to keep in my pickup, used it to change a tire (155 lbs/ft) on the road with my Viair and 2.5 gallon tank and it worked great. It's a great little impact and 4 years later they still cost the same $89 I paid.

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I picked up the stubby version 4 years ago to keep in my pickup, used it to change a tire (155 lbs/ft) on the road with my Viair and 2.5 gallon tank and it worked great. It's a great little impact and 4 years later they still cost the same $89 I paid.

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They are one of the few good tools HFT sells